Q) How do players make the Provincial Program?
A) Players must try out for the Provincial Program (U14+). Tryouts happen in September or October (dates will be posted on the website once confirmed). Players must be in attendance for all tryout dates and are not permitted to arrive late or leave early. Late registrations will not be accepted. Players that are U12-U13 can participate in the NLSA Provincial Program through the following ways: 1) receive an invite from the NLSA 2) register via open registration.
Q) What is the purpose behind invites and open registrations for U12 and U13 players?
A) This model follows best practice programming (DPP/Skill Centres: https://canadasoccer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Canada-Soccer-Skill-Centre-Program-Manual_EN-updated.pdf) and also follows Canada Soccer's Grassroots Standards (https://canadasoccer.com/wp-content/uploads/resources/grassroots/2024-CS-GrassrootsStandards-EN.pdf). Players will be grouped in various ways to challenge them and ensure development is at the forefront of the program.
Q) Is the Provincial Program the same as the NLSA Indoor Performance Centre?
A) The Provincial Program is not the same as the NLSA Indoor Performance Centre. Players are invited into this program separately (ie. you can be part of the Provincial Program, but not part of the NLSA Indoor Performance Centre). Identified players at the Provincial Program tryout may receive an invitation to also join the NLSA Indoor Performance Centre.
Q) What if players can’t attend the tryout dates or gets injured at the tryouts?
A) If a player is unable to attend, they must produce a doctor’s note or proof of being out of Province. Once this is produced, they will then be offered the opportunity to try out at the first camp (generally in April) for their age group (fee will still be applicable). Players and families must also understand that they are not part of fundraising or sponsorship until selected which could be after the first camp. For players who attend the tryouts and get injured, a decision will be made, depending on the nature of the injury, as to when they can complete the tryout process.
Q) Are refunds available for Provincial Program tryouts?
A) Refunds will not be given for Provincial Program tryouts. As mentioned above, if the dates don't work players will be given the opportunity to attend the first Provincial Program camp.
Q) Can players register after the tryout registration has closed?
A) Players will not be permitted to register after the trial registration deadline.
Q) What should players wear to tryouts?
A) Players are required to wear appropriate soccer equipment (shin guards and cleats). Players will also be provided a NLSA tryout shirt that must be worn at all sessions. Neutral coloured shorts and socks are also required (no distinct club wear). Players should also bring their own water to the tryout sessions.
Q) When should players arrive at the tryout sessions?
A) Players should arrive a minimum of 20 minutes in advance. This allows time for players to be checked in and start the session on time.
Q) What is the tryout format and what are players evaluated on?
A) The tryout format is game based. Players will be placed in a team and will be playing small sided (9v9) or full-sided (11v11) games. During these games, players may be asked to play multiple positions. Players may also be switched from team to team during the trial. Players are assessed in all four pillars of the game (technical/tactical, physical, social, emotional). This includes, but is not limited to, player’s skillsets, physical literacy, attitude, and mindset.
Q) How do players get evaluated?
A) Players are evaluated by multiple coaches over the course of the tryout process. Coaches will be either recording notes on iPads or phones during the session using the NLSA evaluation app or using pen and paper.
Q) Can parents attend the tryout sessions?
A) Parents are more than welcome to stay and watch the session. However, parents should remain in the seating area and not come on the field at any time. Parents should also not ‘coach’ from the sideline or approach coaches who are evaluating the players.
Q) When do players find out if they have made the Provincial Program and do they get feedback after the tryout?
A) Players will find out their status in the week after their tryout has ended. Individual player feedback cannot be expected due to the number of players in attendance. There may be some instances where general feedback can be given.
Q) If selected, what does the program consist of and what are the expectations?
A) The Provincial Program is different for each age group. This is based on age and stage of development, finding appropriate competition and following Canada Soccer's Grassroots Guidelines. The Provincial Program consists of multiple training camps as well as some out of Province travel (U14+). Players that are in an age group that is travelling and are selected to travel must be available - the program consists of all components (camps and travel). Dates of camps are advertised at registration (note that dates may change based on various factors) and travel dates are posted as soon as they are confirmed. Players are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of the camp sessions. If this is not maintained, players will not be permitted to travel and could possibly be dropped from the program. Players may be granted 'excused absences' in regards to school conflicts or tragic events. If this is the case, please contact the NLSA Technical Coordinator as early as possible. Program payments will be determined based on age groups, but payments must be made on time or a detailed payment plan must be communicated. Fundraising opportunities will be available and discussed once players are selected.
*If you have further questions regarding the Newfoundland and Labrador Soccer Association Provincial Program, please contact Steven Jamieson (steven.jamieson@nlsa.ca).*